Category / Exhibition / Illustration / Philosophy
Illustrations at the exhibition on Hegel and Hölderlin
The Museum Hölderlinturm in Tübingen presents an exhibition on Hegel and Hölderlin. I created some illustrations for this exhibition.
“Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach
Lecture performance “Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaterturarchiv, Marbach. The performance investigates in personal experiences with reading Hegel.
Installation at the exhibition “The Production of Nothing”
Installation on all kinds of minor and hardly-any-productions, about slow, discrete and hidden production and the phantasm of non-production
Participating in X WORDS at the Institut für Alles Mögliche
I show a sound installation named “The You and Everyone Around You” at the exhibiotn “X WORDS” at the “Institut für alles Mögliche”.
Sound Installation at European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
I will talk part in the European Media Art Festival, 2017. I will exhibit a sound installation named You and Everyone Around You.
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