Category / Performative Talk / Exhibition / Philosophy
“Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach
Lecture performance “Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaterturarchiv, Marbach. The performance investigates in personal experiences with reading Hegel.
Talk on “Phantasms of Art Works” in Malmö
The lecture performance consists describes characteristics of different ideas of art works (big, small, minimal, consistent, poetic …)
Lecture Performance on Democracy in Leipzig
In Leipzig a Performance-Philosophy-Festival on Democracy takes place 9th-11th of May 2019. I will give a performative talk called: Fondling the monkeys: Figures of thought on big democracies. More on this performative talk under its new title: Everybody caresses everybody. Freitag, 10. Mai 2019, 7 PM. LOFFT – DAS THEATER Spinnereistraße 7, Halle 7 04179…
Lecture-Performance at the Performance Philosophy Biennal, Amsterdam
In this talk I describe some of the beliefs, taboos and double binds that might reside within philosophy departments, and how academics deal with them.
“The Feeling of Thinking – Reading Theory” at the SEP-FEP-Conference, Winchester
Performative talk “The Feeling of Thinking: On the Experience of Reading Theory” (stories and animated films) at the SEP-FEP-Conference.
“The feeling of thinking” at the 3rd biennial Performance Philosophy Conference
I will show a performative talk in Prag on the 24th of June 2017. It is called The feeling of thinking: On the experience of reading philosophy It includes stories and short animated films. It will be part of: How does Performance Philosophy Act? Ethos, Ethics, Ethnography, the 3rd biennial Performance Philosophy conference in Prague.
“Reading Theorie” bei der “Art as Medium of Thinking” conference in Vienna
My performative talk The feeling of thinking: On reading theory was shown at the “Art as Medium of Thinking”- conference in Vienna. The conference was very inspiring!
Performative Talk at Wisp-Festival in Leipzig
In this performative talk I investigate in the relationships individuals have with their friends, with their peer group, with their colleges.