Tag / Reading
“Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach
Lecture performance “Reading Hegel” at the Deutsches Literaterturarchiv, Marbach. The performance investigates in personal experiences with reading Hegel.
Stories and animations published in the Performance Philosophy Journal
Some stories and animations were published under the heading “The Feeling of Thinking: Stories and Animations on the Experience of Reading Theory”.
“The Feeling of Thinking – Reading Theory” at the SEP-FEP-Conference, Winchester
Performative talk “The Feeling of Thinking: On the Experience of Reading Theory” (stories and animated films) at the SEP-FEP-Conference.
“The feeling of thinking” at the 3rd biennial Performance Philosophy Conference
I will show a performative talk in Prag on the 24th of June 2017. It is called The feeling of thinking: On the experience of reading philosophy It includes stories and short animated films. It will be part of: How does Performance Philosophy Act? Ethos, Ethics, Ethnography, the 3rd biennial Performance Philosophy conference in Prague.